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Explore our collection of more than 500 expert-approved videos packed with information about pregnancy, labor, birth, baby development, newborn care, preemie. Sex after pregnancy is often delayed for several weeks or months, and may be difficult and painful for women. Injury to the perineum or surgical cuts (episiotomy ) to the vagina during TEENbirth can cause sexual dysfunction. Sexual activity other than sexual intercourse is possible sooner, but some women experience a  . An epidural eases labor pain by numbing the lower body. Watch one laboring mom get the procedure done. Learn about c-sections, home births, labor and delivery, pain relief, signs of labor, vaginal birth, and water birth from the editors of Parents magazine. a Must- Watch. The video captures a rare case of a baby born with its amniotic sac still intact.. Get expert tips for what to bring with you to the hospital on your delivery day. Mar 11, 2012 . A woman and her partner spent nine months working on a video project to document her pregnancy with heartwarming results.. Special delivery: The man prepares to bring his daughter into the world. Then they bring her closer to the camera for her first ever close up and her name, Amelie Amaya, flashes . Aug 30, 2017 . The incident's video footage, showing the doctors fighting and hurling abuses on each other, went viral on social media.